Over the years more and more people have come to recognise the value and versatility of shipping containers for other applications and purposes. No longer are these steel boxes used only for storage or the transportation of goods. Today, containers are remodelled and repurposed for all sorts of uses. One industry that has really grasped the concept of shipping container conversion is the mobile food industry. There have always been mobile food vans and trucks that service industrial areas and events, but often the setup was costly. In this post, discover how shipping containers are transforming the mobile food industry.

A More Cost-Effective Solution

If you are planning on constructing and decking out a mobile food truck, shipping containers offer a very cost-effective alternative to more conventional construction methods. Whether you opt for a brand new shipping container or a high quality used container, they are cheap to buy and don’t take a lot of work to convert into a mobile kitchen.

There will be enough expenses involved in the purchasing and upkeep of the truck itself, so the more money you can save on the mobile kitchen aspect, the better it’ll be for your cash flow and the bottom line of your business.

Using Shipping Containers Saves Time

How does re-purposing a shipping container save time?

It does so in the construction phase of the project. When you think about it, the bulk of the construction is already in place. It’s simply a matter of making some modifications to suit your requirements and decking out the container with the equipment you need to run your mobile food business.

Shipping container suppliers and other manufacturers specialise in shipping container modifications for all sorts of uses; from home office space, cafes, bars, mobile toilet blocks, granny flats and more. Mobile food trucks are yet another popular shipping container conversion.

Most of the conversion process takes place in a factory. You work with the manufacturer to devise a plan of what you need, then they get to work making your vision a reality. You’ll be happy to discover that the process doesn’t take very long at all and you’ll be up and running and in business in no time.

Time is money in business, and creating a mobile food truck from a shipping container definitely saves you valuable time.

A Robust and Secure Solution

No matter what enterprise you’re operating, you want to know that your premises are safe a secure after hours. The same goes for your mobile food truck.

One of the features shipping containers are most famous for is their indestructibility. They’ve been designed and built to withstand rigorous travel all around the world, constantly be loaded and unloaded with goods. They are built tough and built to last.

When you utilise a modified shipping container for your mobile food business, you’ll be able to relax and have peace of mind, knowing that your goods and equipment are safely locked away inside your shipping container kitchen.

There’s no need to worry about a thing. So long as any doors and windows in the container have secure locking mechanisms, your business is safe.

You’ll also find your shipping container food truck can withstand even the harshest weather and most severe storms the Australian climate can throw at it.

For a robust and secure solution for your food business, choose a shipping container for the construction of your kitchen and server.

So Many Designs You Can Choose From

If you’re after ideas for the design of your food truck shipping container conversion, one of the best ways to get inspiration is to go online and search for images of existing mobile food trucks that make use of shipping containers.

There is no shortage of ideas out there. You know what kind of food you want to serve and basically what you’ll require, but chances are you won’t think of everything. That’s why doing a lot of research beforehand is a real plus.

Also, when you talk about your needs with the company doing the conversions, they’ll be able to help you devise firm plans for the look and functionality of your little roadside kitchen.

Being Mobile Gives You Flexibility

The problem with a food outlet being stationary is that you’re very restricted. What if the area you’re located in just doesn’t get enough foot traffic? Or, something could change that reduces the amount of business you receive.

With a mobile food truck, you can go where the customers are. Whether your servicing industrial areas, construction sites, or booking your food business in for various events and concerts in your area. Events can be extremely lucrative and you can generally charge a little more too.

Having a mobile food business just makes perfect sense, and shipping container conversions are the ultimate solution.


Whether you want to use a brand new or quality used shipping container for your mobile food truck, we have got you covered. With more than 30 years of industry experience, we specialise in shipping container conversions. You’ll have your brand new mobile kitchen ready to use in no time, and all for very reasonable prices.

Give us a call today and chat with our friendly staff about your requirements and together we’ll make it happen.
